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Understanding Self Awareness Acceptance


Do you often find yourself being over sensitive or defending how you feel to things people say to you? Sodalite will help release these patterns, bringing you a sense balance & calm when these emotions come up. Sodalite is a self-worth crystal, enhancing self-acceptance, self-trust & self esteem rebuilding the relationship with one’s self. Sodalite is great to work with during mediation practices enhancing your intuition & bring the truth to light, a must for anyone who is wanting to strengthen their intuition. Sodalite is great to have around your home to help absorb the electromagnetic field while bring flow, balance & protect to you & your space.


Raw Crystals: Crystal at their most raw moment. These usually haven’t been shaped or polished coming straight from mother earth to you.


2 - 3 cm

20 - 30 grams

Please note, Raw Crystals will vary in appearance

Price per piece

Chosen intuitively for you

Sodalite Raw

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