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Protective Grounding Detoxifying


With its very grounded feel, you will be pulled back down & connected to mother earth. If you struggle with protecting you own energy, Smokey quartz is needed in your life. Not only will it protect you from unwanted negative energies it will detoxify your surroundings allowing you to be lifted from depression & anxieties bringing you into a calm state of mind. Smokey quartz will teach you to release & let go of what is no longer serving you & allow you to continue to move forward in your life. Smokey quartz is great around the home to clear any unwanted energies but also it will help to detoxify your sacred space. Smokey quartz will help bring the positivity & balance back into your life.


Generators have the ability to raise your vibrations. If your struggling to with low vibration such sadness, stress, angry or anxiety, these beauty’s will pull energy in and uplift you & your sacred space. Love, joy & abundance will begin to flow with ease. They can be utilized in many ways, from enhancing meditation practices to charkas alignment or creating a garden of generators to raise the vibration.



30 grams

Please note, Generators may vary in appearance.

Price per piece

Chosen intuitively for you

Smokey Quartz Generator

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