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Palo Santo is much like sage. Being used for centuries in native indigenous tribes in South America. It is used to cleanse & clear your aura or home of neagtive attachments. Allowing an uplift of positivity to flow easily. With it's beautiful sweet aroma of wooden smoke you will feel a sense of calm & clarity.


Self Cleanse; wave the smudge stick around in an anti clock wise direct around your body until you feel cleansed then close with a clock wise direct wave

House Cleanse; Ensure you cleanse all 4 corners of the room, coming into the centre to smudge for a few moments, ensure you get into any dark space.Ensure you open doors & windows once you finish smudging to allow any negative unwanted energies to leave the space.


Affirm while smudging; I ask for any unwanted energies or anything that is no longer serving my highest good leave my energy field allowing positive vibrant loving energy to flow easily.


Price Per Piece  

Palo Santo Stick

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