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Protective Awakening Dreaming


If your beginning your journey to protecting your energy Labradorite is a must in your collection. With its natural ability to cleanse & protect you from unwanted energies entering your energy field it is great for people who struggle with protecting themselves. Its midnight blue shimmer will catch your eye in the right light & take you into your dream world to connect & strengthening your psychic abilities. Labradorite will help calm an overactive mind & allow new ideas to surface. With its natural cleansing benefits, your aura & charkas will be cleansed & balanced allowing you to think, speak & act clearly to what will serve you best. Labradorite will bring the magic back into your life and break the cycle of the 9 to 5 grind.


Generators having the ability up raise your vibrations. If your struggling to raise your vibration from sad stress angry or anxiety these beauty’s will pull energy in and uplift you & your space to love joy & happiness. Can be utilized in many ways from mediation into charkas to having you around your space to uplift the room or having a garden of generators beside your bed to help to heal while you sleep.


6 - 7 cm

60 - 65 grams

Please note, Generators will vary in appearance

Price per piece

Chosen intuitively for you

Labradorite Generator

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